
Marigold Public School

We are very proud of our school and the accomplishments of our students. We encourage all of our students to become independent and creative thinkers. We take pride in the diversity of our school and provide a climate of respect and acceptance for everyone and offer a safe and secure environment in which every child is nurtured to achieve beyond their potential.

Our website will help you as parents to experiences the commitment that we make in shaping the future of your child. We thank you for considering Marigold Public School and warmly welcome you into the Marigold World.

At Marigold, we understand the importance of choosing the right school for your child. As a parent, you have so far chosen the best for your kids. And now you have a big question before you - the best school for your child. If you miss the opportunity to choose the right school for your child now, your child may also miss the opportunity to nd the best career option.

Marigold Public School’s students spend their school day in modern and well-equipped classrooms. The Intelligent Classroom concept demonstrates that our learning environment is truly future ready. In addition, classrooms at Marigold Public School are equipped with interactive Smart boards, which support various kinds of multimedia file formats. At Marigold Public School tablets and laptops are used as effective learning and teaching aids. Our future-ready curriculum enables students to learn, read, solve maths problems and write using this unique digital notebook.
The marks and attained qualifications of each student are entered into the e-diary, which can be accessed by parents. Parents have insight into the academic performance of their child and assume an active role in their child’s education.

Along with attending traditional lessons, Marigold School’s students can use the distance learning platform for online learning. The platform enables them to access interactive materials as well as tests and attend chat consultations with teachers in order to complement what they have learned in traditional classes. The E-Learning service is one of the most significant shifts we have made towards using new technologies in education.
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What Our Parents Say About Us

We are committed to making a world-class education affordable.