The Junior (Primary) School (Class I to V)
Academic & Emotional Development
The junior (primary) school is the rst step forward for our lilttle ones as they enter Class I. If early childhood is the nurturing soil, junior school is where the sapling is tended with water and sunlight on it's journey to grow into a strong plant. This the is the stage where the foundation of learning are laid .
Our junior (primary) school are encouraged to develop intellectual, social, and emotional skills. We guide our students to berak boundaries and develop sound judgement, while preparing them to achieve high academic standards.
Apart from the daily core subjects in language, mathematics, science an social studies, Marigold offers classes in art, music, physical education and technology. The infrastructure and the classrooms have been carefullhy selected to ensure that the sense of belongingness created in the early years carries on with the child as he moves to the junior school. Various co-currilular and extra curricular activities are itnroduced at this level and the children are encouraged to explore their creativity and individual talent.
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We are committed to making a world-class education affordable.